Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Divorce and Remarriage

This week we are talking on the subject of divorce. Luckily, my family has never gone through a divorce, but I know that so many people out there do have to experience this. It is important to remember that children are involved in this as well. In another class, we learned different ways to help children adapt in the case of divorce. Here are most of them:

  1. Don't make the child choose sides.
  2. Make sure that they know they have nothing to do with it, and that they cannot reverse the situation. Children will often feel like it is somehow their fault and try to find ways to fix it.
  3. Shield them from conflict. Don't make derogatory statements about the other parent in front of the child.
  4. Promote relationships with both parents, specifically through quality, one-on-one time.
Children are greatly affected in a divorce. 

Did you know that 2 years after a divorce, 70 percent of the people regret their decision. In addition, divorces can cost at least $25,000! Marriages can and should be saved. It just takes people who are both willing to work at it. Well that's all for today!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Last week we were talking about parenting. I feel like a lot of my classes go together. I guess that is what happens when you are studying classes in your major. Anyway, we watched some amazing parenting videos for our homework assignments. And we were able to take an assessment to see which parenting style we would or do emulate. I got an active parent, which seems to be the equivalent of authoritative parenting. Parenting is a really important opportunity that we have for both our growth and our children's growth. We need to keep in mind that the way we parent our children will have immediate and long-term effects on them.

Saturday, March 23, 2013


This week we talked about the important roles of a mother and a father. We wrote a paper about the importance of fatherhood and I was able to look back on the impact that my father had in my life. Fathers are a vital part in a child's development.

We also talked a lot about mothers working outside of the home. Fortunately, I have never really had to know what it felt like to not have my mom home as soon as I walked through the door from school. But I do understand that sometimes it has to happen or it has been chosen that it would be best for the family.

I really appreciate the way that I was raised and the way that my parents taught me. I appreciate their love and care for me.

I hope you all have an amazing Saturday!

Saturday, March 16, 2013


I was learning about communication in two of my classes. I'm definitely communicated.....Anyway! Communication is key in ANY relationship. We need to remember that we communicate both verbally and non-verbally. It is also important to remember that we each have different ways of communicating and different communication patterns.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Family Crisis

 Throughout life, we will all go through troubles. The Lord is going to judge you in the midst of them. The trials that we experience throughout life shape who we are.  In another talk by Dieter F. Uchtdorf he explains that adversity will be inevitable. He encourages the young women to look at their favorite fairy tale. They will almost definitely see a trial before the princess receives her happily ever after. Thinking about this, there are going to be so many trials and tribulations in a marriage. It is important to realize that going into a marriage. I feel like so often we see young women going into marriage with the thought that their lives will suddenly be perfect. This is not the case. Stress that may occur as a newly married couple or just as a couple in general may include the following:

  1. Financial stress
  2. Loss of a loved one
  3. Abuse
  4. Relocation
  5. Communication
  6. Loss of jobs
I remember being about 11 years old, and my father got a new job and we had to move to another city four hours away where I would have no friends. The first year after we moved was the hardest for my family. However, we found that the event that we once found as a crisis, actually strengthened and improved our living and our relationship. Today, I am so grateful for that move. It has shaped me into who I am and I have met so many people who will eternally effect me. When we go through family trials, we need to know that there is a reason for it.

The Importance of Intimacy

I forgot to make a post last week so here it is! Last week was awkward.....Let's be honest. We learn about the importance of sexual intimacy within marriage and the importance of abstinence before marriage. I think that my favorite part about last week was Brother Williams getting tomato red when sharing information about this topic with us :) Some of the statistics involving those who are sexually active before marriage are shocking. The rate of teenage pregnancy is on the rise. It is important to remember the covenants we make between you, your spouse, and the Lord.

Saturday, February 23, 2013


This week we learned all about marriage. We learned about the difference between getting married and having a wedding. Did you guys know that the average wedding is $27,000? This seems a little bit ridiculous.      Another important thing that we learned is the trials that come throughout marriage. This is so important to remember. I feel like people, especially those at BYU or BYU-Idaho, are unprepared for marriage. They feel that marriage is going to take away their problems or be pure perfection. However, there are so many trials that come as a married couple, especially money difficulties. It is important to remember that your marriage may not be perfect, but it does not mean that things cannot be fixed.