I was dreading this week. I am taking Family Foundations and Family Relations and they both chose to talk about same-sex attraction and gender identity in the same week. This always been a pressing issue for me. My views have definitely changed throughout the course of my 20-year old life. I was very impressed by the way these topics were presented.
I feel like this issue is so big everywhere and so misunderstood. I am no expert on it, don't get me wrong. However, this week I found some incredibly good insight that I am going to share. First of all, we found that those who had a same sex attraction often found that at a pivotal or traumatic part in their life. It was really unfortunate and upsetting for me to hear that. Many found that as a child, they were bullied. Others found that they didn't feel connected to their father. The research that we were given explains that this same sex attraction usually comes from the nurture side of the nature vs. nurture debate.
Now, when I say this, I am not saying that they are raised to be gay. I am just saying that the research showed the environmental factors played the biggest role in this. Others may feel otherwise. My personal opinion is that people may be born with certain traits or tendencies, but it does not make them gay. It is also very important how they use these tendencies and what they do with them.
It is so important to remember that people who struggle with same sex attraction are not "broken". They are not "weird". They are our brothers and sisters. We need to love them and treat them just as we would anyone else. They are no different. As Ghandi said, "hate the sin. not the sinner".
I know that this is a touchy subject and I really hope not to have offended anyone. Have an amazing weekend!